
Best Practises using Weebsy

Use these tips when creating your beautiful website.

Best Practises using Weebsy Platform

Weebsy is an online website creation and publishing platform. It has everything for you to create a beautiful mobile and tablet optimized website. In this article we will explore the various possibilies using Weebsy.

If you are a first time web creator, or if you need a beautiful website presence for your business, Weebsy is the perfect choice for you. It has a range of well planned designer templates to choose from. Simply select the design of your choice and begin your website creation journey.

Weebsy can viewed accross almost every browser. However if you editing on your laptop or desktop it is best to use Firefox or Safari. If you are editing your website on Chrome make sure to hard refresh your website after making changes. Your website is automatically saved as you make changes however due the the cache, sometimes the latest changes may not appear, hence there is an easy solution to hard refresh your browser to view the latest changes on your website.

To 'Hard refresh' your website on Chrome to see the latest changes made, use the following steps:

  • Mac users: Hold down Command, Shift and click 'R' Key
  • Windows users: Hold down Ctrl, Shift and click 'R' Key

Please be patient as sometimes your website may take a few seconds to load the latest changes.

"Weebsy can viewed accross almost every browser. However if you editing on your laptop or desktop it is best to use Firefox or Safari. If you are editing your website on Chrome make sure to hard refresh your website after making changes."

If you have access to a tablet or a smartphone, you can also edit your website from these devices. Simply log into your account and click on Edit Website. We encourage you to edit your website accross any devices you may have and let us know your feedback. To update your photos on your website you can click a photo from your smartphone or tablet and update it directly from these devices, Weebsy automactially scales your photos to the best aspect ratio.

Weebsy is an all in One platform which helps creative business to showcase their talents over the web. To name a few business below:

  • Local businesses, eg: Cafes, lawyers, gyms, restaruants, gardners, handyman, plumbers, etc.
  • Models, Instargramers, Celebrities, Portfolio creaters, photographers, perosnal trainers, talent agents.
  • Lifestyle brands, fashion brands, beauty salons, hairdressers, interior deigners, architects.
  • Wedding Websites, Wedding photographers, Launch pages, Coming soon page, etc.

As you can see above Weebsy templates are designed to fit into any of the above description. To create a beautiful website presence is really easy with weebsy, simply follow the steps outlined below and get started:

Start your website with any template, these templates are designed, well planned and beautifully curated (all templates are switchable). Start by selecting the template then register for your account, after which follow these two steps:

  • Select the Name of your website, eg: The Bristo Cafe (This can also be changed in your account info page).
  • Select the subdomain of your website, eg: bristo-cafe.weebsy.com (This cannot be changed). This will be your primary URL for your website, you can also purchase custom domain for your website, eg: www.mycompanyname.com or yourcafename.cafe - There are over 50 ext. to choose from. Once you purchase a custom domain you can also purchase professsional emails, eg: info@yourcomapnyname.com

We hope you find this information helpful when creating your stunning website on Weebsy. If you have any questions feel free to email us at: support@weebsy.com

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